PDM Management Changes
After a 15 year career with PDM Group, Charles Reynolds has retired as Chief Executive.
During Charles’ time with the Group he has been instrumental in introducing many fundamental changes to the structure of PDM Group’s operations and the markets in which the company operates.
Over the past decade PDM Group has created market-leading operations in areas such as petfood ingredient manufacture, renewable energy from recovered food wastes and a wide range of innovative recycling operations.
Charles will be succeeded as Chief Executive by Andy Smith who currently heads up the Petfood & Poultry Processing Division.
Prior to joining PDM, Andy was Managing Director for the UK operation of a multi-national petfood ingredient producer. Although Andy has only been with the PDM Group a relatively short time he has a very strong commercial management background and a thorough understanding of PDM’s key markets.
During his time with PDM Group, Andy has already opened up new exciting business opportunities for the company and strengthened relationships with major customers.
PDM Group has also promoted Philip Simpson to the Executive Management Board as Commercial Services Director.
Philip joined PDM in 2002 as Bio-fuels Development Manager, since then he has successfully launched the Group’s national recycling services for major supermarket chains.
His remit has been extended to cover the control of all retail recycling services, identification and procurement of food waste streams, and commercial management of the Group’s new developments in energy and recycling.