Food Waste Recycling
Recycling Services
Animal By-Products & Waste Food
We are all becoming increasingly aware of the need to reduce our environmental impact through reducing our carbon footprint and creating a more sustainable lifestyle.
Organisations in the foodchain are able to reduce their carbon footprints by diverting unsold or unusable ‘waste products’ from landfill to create renewable energy.
SARIA provides a unique ‘one-stop shop’ collection and recycling service for all waste food products (including products in packaging and tins) with complete coverage across the UK.
The collected products are processed to seperate food materials from any packaging. The food materials are either then re-processed to recover new products (such as protein or liquid fat), or are used as direct fuel source to for the generation of renewable energy.
SARIA has a a number of plants dedicated to the generation of renewable energy from food wastes; including Anaerobic Digestion and Biomass Combustion.
The liquid fat recovered from the food waste is used as a feedstock for the production of biodiesel or as a renewable energy fuel.
ReFood’s food waste recycling services are used by some of the best known names on the High Street including Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury’s, M&S, Morrisons, Lidl, Aldi and Iceland.
The ReFood service also handles food wastes from restaurants, hotels, hospitals, fast-food outlets and manufacturing/distribution centres.
For further information or specialist advice please contact the following:
National Service Delivery Centre
ReFood UK Ltd
Ings Road
South Yorkshire
Tel: 0800 011 3214
SARIA’s By-Product Processing operations provide:
- An integrated service for all food wastes including raw and cooked meats
- A collection network covering every town and city in the UK
- A wide range of recycling options including anaerobic digestion, biomass to energy, rendering and in-vessel composting
- Emergency collections following freezer breakdowns or vehicle accidents
- Strategically located sites to reduce transport costs and ‘material miles’
- A safe, environmentally sustainable and fully auditable disposal route for food industry by-products
- Material collections to suit operational needs, seven days a week
- Full compliance with latest EU legislation on animal by-product disposal
Tailor-made and cost-effective arrangements are provided for the disposal of a wide variety of materials, including…
- Any food by-product from food manufacturing, processing or retailing sectors
- Abattoir, slaughterhouse and butcher’s shop residues
- Raw or cooked meat and fish products
- Milk or dairy products
- Out-of-spec, out-of-date or un-saleable food material from shops, supermarkets or catering establishments