Representatives from the United Kingdom Renderers’ Association (UKRA) met on the 25th April with Mr Elliot Morley, Minister of State ...
Article reprinted from ‘Farmers Weekly’ 20th April 2006 The livestock industry is appealing against a decision to stop renderers using ...
Increasing pressure is being brought to bear on the disposal of waste oils and fats through the controlled waste regulations; ...
A Spirax Sarco flash steam recovery system is delivering direct energy savings of 10% plus a further 10% in indirect ...
PDM Group’s Widnes plant has opened the gates to a massive increase in green power supply potential. With the UK ...
Ashley Burdock, Site Operations Manager at PDM Group’s Widnes plant, has been selected from a pool of more than 7000 ...
Britain’s meat industry is united behind calls for changes to legislation governing the use of tallow as a fuel. At ...